英國打工度假 12月1日起受理申請
時間:2011/11/1 11:47
撰稿‧編輯:王照坤 新聞引據: 採訪
英國駐台代表康博偉(David Campbell)表示,這是英國迄今給予外國青年最好的一個計畫,而且對英國年輕人而言,更是一個到台灣學習中文與了解中國文化的好機會。康博偉說:『(英文原音)繼日本之後,台灣是亞洲第二個獲得英國這項計畫的成員,更是唯一獲得計畫的華語成員(Chinese speaking member),英國雖然不是第一個給台灣這項計畫的歐洲國家,但2年有效期限與多次入出境待遇卻是一個優渥的計畫(a good scheme)。』
看到這消息時,真的很感動... 不過,還有機會嗎?
赴英國打工度假 11月公布流程 【2011/10/3 18:40】
辦事處代表康博偉(David Campbell)說,樂見這項計畫從明年1月1日開放申請,2012年對英國來說是非常重要且令人興奮的一年,包括英國女王登基60週年慶典、2012倫敦夏季奧運及殘障奧運,還有2012文化藝術節等,相信台灣青年將有很多機會親自體驗開放、多元且充滿創意的英國。
英國國境局亞太區總監詹姆士夏普(James Sharp)表示,青年旅行工作計畫屬於英國計點積分制度(Points Based System)中的第5級(Tier 5)簽證,台灣青年取得簽證後,可以在英國生活、工作和求學。
根據英國貿易文化辦事處規劃,在提出簽證申請前,台灣青年必須取得由行政院青年輔導委員會所核發的有效贊助者證明(certificate of sponsorship),青輔會應會在今年11月1日公布申請流程細節。
UK grants Taiwanese access to its Youth Mobility Scheme
03 October 2011
British Trade & Cultural Office today announced that from 1 January 2012, Taiwanese young people would be eligible to apply for a Youth Mobility Scheme visa for the UK.
The announcement comes after agreement was reached last week between the UK and Taiwanese authorities which allows 1,000 young Taiwanese each year to live, study or work in the UK for up to 2 years and the same number of young Britons to come to Taiwan.
David Campbell, Director of the BTCO said:
“We are extremely pleased to welcome Taiwanese young people to our Youth Mobility programme. This is a significant opportunity for both the UK and Taiwan, an opportunity to further strengthen and build on the cultural and economic ties that exist between us and to promote mutual understanding. It gives young Taiwanese the opportunity to experience life in the UK and to improve their English, and for us to benefit from having them live within our communities.”
UK Border Agency’s Asia Pacific Director James Sharp said, “The Youth Mobility Scheme, which comes under Tier 5 of the UK’s Points Based System for visa applications, will open to Taiwanese applicants on 1 January 2012. Under the scheme those aged between 18 and 30 will be eligible to apply, and will be able to live, work and study in the UK without the need for a sponsor.”
Before applying for a visa, Taiwanese applicants will first need a certificate of sponsorship from Taiwan’s National Youth Commission. We understand that the National Youth Commission expects to announce further details on this procedure on 1 Nov 2011. Those considering applying should monitor also the UK Border Agency in Taiwan website or National Youth Commission for updates.
David Campbell said, “We are delighted that the scheme will start from 1 January 2012. Next year will be an important and exciting year for the UK with the upcoming Diamond Jubilee, London 2012 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games, and 2012 Cultural Festival. I am sure Taiwanese on the Youth Mobility Scheme will enjoy the opportunity to see an open, dynamic and creative Britain for themselves”.
This agreement follows the lifting of the visit visa requirement for Taiwanese travelling to the UK in early 2009, and the introduction this summer of a streamlined application process for Taiwanese wishing to study in the UK.
UK Home Office statistics indicate that the number of Taiwanese visitors has gone up enormously following the visa-lift. The number increased further in 2010, with 83,300 Taiwanese visiting the UK.