之前我外國朋友教我什麼是white elephant。
他說,在英文裡面,很貴又不實用的東西,就是white elephant。
"I don't really understand why my dad wants to have an electric piano.
He just likes buying new toys, I think. He already has his keyboard
connected to the computer, where he writes his music. He never plays
the piano downstairs. The electric piano is supposed to be exactly the
same as playing a traditional piano, so I don't see why he should play
it more. Do you remember when he bought an electric organ and put it
in my old bedroom? He hardly played it, and eventually he sold it. It
was what we call a white elephant."
"The expression 'white elephant' is well known, meaning something that
is usually expensive but quite useless. For example, some people might
describe the bridge between Hong Kong and Macau as a white elephant. I
just looked at the Wikipedia page, and the expression is thought to
originate in the gifts the Thai king gave to people he didn't like. He
gave them an albino elephant that would be expensive and inconvenient
to look after."
而前一陣子,我在BBC新聞看到這句話"an elephant in the room"。
然後今天又在BBC新聞看到"white elephant"了:
"Over the years BRI projects have also been accused of creating wasteful 'white elephants',
fuelling local corruption, exacerbating environmental problems, exploiting workers,
and failing to live up to promises of bringing jobs and prosperity to local communities."
之後我爬文,還發現有人早已在痞客邦寫過white elephant、an elephant in the room,
那個人還順便提pink elephant。簡單講就是幻覺。
什麼是粉紅大象以及白色大象呢? 意思是?