之前提到皇后樂團Freddie Mercury曾想過要將《波希米亞狂想曲》(Bohemian Rhapsody)命名成《蒙古狂想曲》(Mongolia Rhapsody),
我英國朋友跟我說: "I think 'Mongolian' has negative connotations in this country."
原來蒙古在他們眼中是比較原始的國家 (英國人就是狗眼看人低)。
那就是 "spastic"跟"spaz"。
"The use of the word 'Mongol' is doubly offensive, to Mongolians and to
people with a disability. But as I said, I haven't heard it used for a
long time. I don't know whether kids would still use it at school.
Similarly, kids at school would call someone a 'spastic' if they
thought they were stupid, or sometimes abbreviated to a 'spaz'. The
word spastic means someone with condition such as cerebral palsy, but
it came to be used as an insult, so the word is not used now. There
was a charity called the Spastic Society for people with the
condition, but they changed their name some years ago to Scope due to
its common usage, as Wikipedia puts it, as a 'playground insult'. Even
when I was a child, I would never call someone a Mongol or a spastic."
總之,本文是想告訴大家,mongol、spastic、spaz 這三個英文單字,不要用來形容人,以免被誤會。