之前曾看到一名曾留學英國,現在在英國雪菲爾定居、工作的台灣人在臉書提到"Bob's your uncle",
他底下有人則提另一句比較少人知道的句子: "And Fanny's your aunt"。
於是我向英國朋友求證,"Bob's your uncle and Fanny's your aunt"的意思。
他說: "It means something can be done easily. It is sometimes used at the end of some
instruction for doing something: 'You download the data monitor app from Google Play,
add the widget to your home screen, and Bob's your uncle!"
簡單說就是There it is。
有趣的是,我英國朋友跟我說其實他沒聽過"And Fanny's your aunt"。
至於原因,他說:"I have never heard the expression, 'Fanny's your aunt'. In the UK,
'fanny' is a slang term for vagina. In the US, however, it means bottom.
Some people also call someone a 'fanny' to mean a useless or stupid person,
but it isn't nearly as offensive as calling someone a c***.
In Enid Blyton's 'Faraway Tree' books that I used to like as a child,
there is a character called Fanny, but in new versions of the book,
they have renamed her Frannie. Unfortunately, there was also a
character called Dick, who is now called Rick."
JeffinSheff 傑夫在英國雪菲爾