Party pooper : the person who makes a party lame.
亦可說 : Don't be a drag.
Crack me up!
某人很搞笑 ,
且令你發笑 ,
你可以對他說 "You crack me up!"
或者一部誇張喜劇 ,
你也可以說 "This film cracks me up!"
under the weather = feeling sick
I'm under the weather = I feel kinda sick.
No skin off my back 或者是 No skin off my nose.
意思 : I don't care, it doesn't affect me.
Drawin blanks 突然忘記了
考試時 , 明明有讀到 , 且之前還知道答案的 ,
但作答時 , 卻忘記答案了! 你可以說 : I was just drawin blanks.
* Drawin, 應為 Drawing, 但口語英語 g 不發音 (鼻音沒那麼重) .
spacing out 放空 , 發呆
I was just spacing out.
Elder Childs 說 : spacing out 通常發生於 "上課ing" ...
Hand in hand.
兩個意思 :
1. cause & effect (因果關係)
2. 兩個極為相似的東西
例句 : They go hand in hand.
is that not easy, or is that not easy?
意思是 : That is EASY!
* easy 可用其他形容詞取代 .
這句話有 "負負得正" 的感覺 ...
老中看到這樣的句子通常無法理解 ,
但老美一看就懂 .
Elder Childs 說 : Idioms & slang 有時是不按文法來走的 .
eat a book = study hard
形容一個人讀很多書的意思 .
butt head 豬頭 (有 insult 人的感覺 , 少用為妙)
slow & steady wins the race.
老師提到龜兔賽跑的故事 ,
這句話的意思就是 : to take it slow.
placed our pigeons. 無後路可退 .
如 : 某人在 gambling, 把所有的 $$ 押同一注 , 無後路可退了 , 輸贏全在那一注 .
foxy (70's version 70 年代用語)
意思 : beautiful, sexy
例句 : She's foxy. 現在的美國人會說 She's hot!
in the air
東西懸在半空中 , 表示 not certain.
in the clouds = twitter pated
Out of this world = advanced = very cool!
同 far out! 都是 70 年代用語 .
Avoid them (person or thing) like the plague.
如 : 某人一直跟蹤你 , 你怕死了 , 拚命躲他!
跟蹤 : (v.) stalk
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
意思 : You can't force someone to do something.