
2010/10/20 (週三) 的英文課 , 學了一些新的 idioms , 也複習一些舊的 . ^^
老師 : Elder Green & Elder Schriever

1. cheap shot, low blow (blow the belt), 這兩個意思差不多 .
例 : That was a cheap shot.
Low blow: it's not your business, but you make fun of someone.
* 可是我上課稍微遲到 , so 沒聽懂 cheap shot 的意思 . >"<

2. What goes around comes around. (意同 : payback).
簡言之 , 可以用 "karma" 這個字來解釋  , 就是因果循環 .

3. running this show = be in charge of (主持 , 擔任某活動總協)
如 : Elder Green 在台上教書 , 他可以說他自己 "I'm running the show." 因為老師可以指派 task 給學生 .
running this show 與 host 不一樣 , host 有 "serve others" 的意思 ,
running this show 可以 give orders, be the boss.
例子 : I'm running this show, so you have to listen.

4. bajillion : a bunch, it's a fake number. 天文數字 , 意思 : 很多很多 ...
eg.: I have a bajillion songs in my computer.

5. whatever floats your boat = whatever makes you happy.
上回 Elder Childs 沒交代地很完整 ,
"whatever floats your boat"之用法 & 情境 :
如 : 兩人在討論今晚要吃什麼 ,
A 君說要吃麵 ,  B 君說要吃水餃 , 討論到最後 ,
A 君說 "I don't like dumplings, but it's O.K. Whatever floats your boat!"
另一個例子 : If you don't agree with me, it's O.K. Whatever floats your boat!

6. Deja vu (源自於法文) , 似曾相識的感覺
* 這個字好好玩喔!!! ^O^

7. over my head = don't understand something
例子 : Math goes over my head.
Reading Shakespeare in Chinese would be over my head.
Reading Shakespeare in English is almost over my head.

8. stick in the mud (noun), 通常形容一個人很無聊 .
eg. : He is a stick in the mud = He is boring (no fun).

9. Take a stab at it. = Give your best guess = Give it a try.

10. nerd = 宅男
homeboy = 死黨 eg. : He's my homeboy.

其他 (非 idioms, 但與英文有關) :
sub woofer 次級低音揚聲器
convertible 可轉換的 = transmutable, transformable, changeable
英文破音字 : wind / read / bow / bass (the same spelling but with different pronunciation)

Mark 2 同學提出的問題 :
big time (not very common)
例子 : In trouble, big time.

Jimbo 提出 :
What time you got? = What time is it?
口語英語 & 學校學的大不同!


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