之前外國朋友教我一個英文單字 - mellifluous。
我就馬上上網查 "mellifluous"到底是什麼意思、聽起來又是如何。
"A mellifluous voice or piece of music is smooth and gentle and very pleasant to listen to. [formal]
I grew up around people who had wonderful, mellifluous voices.
Soon the room is filled with Bates' mellifluous tones.
Synonyms: sweet, soft, smooth, honeyed More Synonyms of mellifluous."
但我還是很納悶: 究竟mellifluous的聲音,聽起來如何?
"[...] yesterday I was watching an episode of the detective series
'Father Brown', and there was an actor in it who I recognised but
couldn't think where. When I looked him up, he was in 'The Bank of
Dave', the film I watched on the plane. That's a funny coincidence. He
is called Angus Wright, and he has a distinctive appearance and very
distinctive voice. I wondered where his accent is from, and found that
he is the son of a top British diplomat so lived in many countries as
a child. You can see his showreel here ('Father Brown'is actually at 4:55):
His father was said to have a 'mellifluous' voice, but I can't find
any clips at the moment, but there is a good word for you."
一開始,他是看電影"Father Brown",覺得某演員看起來很眼熟,
後來,他上網搜尋,才發現這演員是Angus Wright,
就在飛機上看過另一部Angus Wright演過的電影 "The Bank of Dave"。
我外國朋友覺得Angus Wright不論外型還是聲音都很獨特,於是他爬文瞭解這位演員的背景,
發現Angus Wright的父親是英國外交官,而Angus Wright小時候也在國外長大,造就了他的口音。
(坦白說我實在聽不出來Angus Wright口音在英國人耳裡到底有多殊異。)
網路上說,Angus Wright的外交官父親有著mellifluous voice。
所以他只能跟我分享Angus Wright的影片:
"I managed to find a video of his father, Lord Wright of Richmond,
speaking in the House of Lords in 2015. You can definitely see where
Angus gets his voice from!
He mainly spoke about foreign policy, particularly in the Middle East,
as he had been a diplomat."
我聽完Angus Wright的父親Lord Wright of Richmond講話片段,
跟外國朋友討論mellifluous voice的時候,差不多是杭州亞運期間。
所以不符合我外國朋友mellifluous voice的定義。
因為mellifluous voice需要很舒緩、輕鬆的口吻。
"I didn't really think what type of men's voices are 'mellifluous'.
I guess the men's voices that are considered most pleasant are deep,
smooth sounding ones. For example, John Brunning from Classic FM
(a bit like the man in the video you linked describes a presenter on a
jazz radio station). Some black American actors have great voices,
for example Morgan Freeman who you mentioned, and James Earl Jones.
Many people think Welsh accents are particularly pleasant, because they
have that slightly 'sing-song' quality. Maybe you would like the voice
of Richard Burton, which is both deep and Welsh:
I don't think the Taiwanese man in the video you linked songs
mellifluous. His voice is quite fast and not at all smooth."
但我看到他特別點出也許我會因為Richard Burton的威爾斯口音而愛上Richard Burton的聲音。
我會因為威爾斯口音而喜歡Richard Burton的聲音嗎?
"What I really meant was that Welsh accents are considered pleasant and
also interesting because of the way they sort of 'sing'.
That's why I thought it might sound pleasant in general.
I didn't mean to you specifically.
Interestingly, in the 2005 film version of 'War of the Worlds',
the same quotation is read at the start of the film by Morgan Freeman.
He also narrates the closing lines, which are quite famous and taken straight from H. G. Wells's book."
聽到外國朋友特別提非裔美籍演員Morgan Freeman,
還提及電影「世界大戰」很有名的引言就是Morgan Freeman念的。
這是Morgan Freeman講述電影「世界大戰」很有名的開場白。
後來,外國朋友又看了另一部電影,Anthony Hopkins主演的 - "The Remains of the Day" (長日將盡),
外國朋友說,Anthony Hopkins的聲音也算是mellifluous。
"Anthony Hopkins has one of those mellifluous, subtle Welsh accents
that we were talking about the other week, like Richard Burton.
You can hear it in any trailer or clip of the film.
It's annoying that all the trailers seem to be for American audiences.
我個人簡結mellifluous voice對我而言是怎樣的聲音:
mellifluous voice基本上在英國佬耳裡,就是要低沉、渾厚的聲音,且用不徐不疾的速度講話。